
This scenario was inspired by the teaching problem set out in the paper Describing behaviour of Processes with Many-to-Many Interactions by Dirk Fahland (2019).

Our example concerns the launch by Mission Control of a Space Vehicle. The Vehicle separates from its launcher and orbits the earth.

Mission Control dispatches Recovery teams to locate both Vehicles after they have separately reentered the atmosphere.

Full source code is here.


The net of the Vehicle proclet is simple; a linear arrangement of five transitions, terminating at the last.

    def net(self):
        return {
            self.pro_launch: [self.pro_separation],
            self.pro_separation: [self.pro_orbit],
            self.pro_orbit: [self.pro_reentry],
            self.pro_reentry: [self.pro_recovery],
            self.pro_recovery: [],

Recovery teams have three transitions, looping continually so that after having finished one job, they are available for another.

    def net(self):
        return {
            self.pro_tasking: [self.pro_recovery],
            self.pro_recovery: [self.pro_standby],
            self.pro_standby: [self.pro_tasking],

Mission Control is the most complex net. It must continually monitor the Vehicles and Recovery teams. Some transitions loop back to themselves.

    def net(self):
        return {
            self.pro_launch: [self.pro_separation],
            self.pro_separation: [self.pro_reentry],
            self.pro_reentry: [self.pro_recovery, self.pro_reentry],
            self.pro_recovery: [self.pro_complete, self.pro_recovery],
            self.pro_complete: [],


In Proclet theory, a Transition is activated when all its input places are occupied by tokens. It can choose whether to fire based on guard conditions. It may also block for a while, in the manner of Timed Petri Nets.

Here we implement each Transition as a single instance method of the Proclet object. The code in each one should be succinct and easy to understand.

We aim to standardise on a small number of code patterns based on simple Python idiom.


The simplest form of communication between Proclets is synchronising on a transition they both share. Here’s how one Proclet offers synchronisation to another:

    def pro_launch(self, this, **kwargs):
        logging.info("We are go for launch", extra={"proclet": self})
        self.results = {}
        self.roster = {}
        yield from self.channels["uplink"].send(
            sender=self.uid, group=self.group,


A Proclet waiting for synchronisation must block. In proclets this is achieved by returning from the transition without a yield to another.

    def pro_launch(self, this, **kwargs):
            sync = next(
                i for i in self.channels["uplink"].receive(self, this)
                if i.action == this.__name__
            logging.debug(sync, extra={"proclet": self})
        except StopIteration:
            logging.info("Launch phase is complete", extra={"proclet": self})


One Proclet may create another. The create() function adds a new Proclet to the population.

Note here how the Space Vehicle explicitly sets the marking of the Launch Vehicle, since the latter is not supposed to go into orbit.

The Transition must yield the newly created Proclet. In this way the new Proclet gets added to the domain of its parent for reference. Then we send a synchronisation offer back to Mission Control. The uid of the new Vehicle is included in the context of the message.

    def pro_separation(self, this, **kwargs):
        logging.info("Separation initiated", extra={"proclet": self})
        v = Vehicle.create(
            name="Launch vehicle", orbits=None,
            channels={"beacon": self.channels["beacon"]}, group=self.group,
        yield v
        yield from self.channels["uplink"].send(
            sender=self.uid, group=self.group, context={v.uid},


After reentry, we brief the Recovery teams. Now we begin to get many-to-many interactions between Recovery proclets and Vehicle proclets.

Back at Mission Control, the looped transitions monitor the radio for news. These are not state synchronisations, they are messages whose significance depend on Performative action.

        for msg in self.channels["vhf"].receive(self, this):
            logging.debug(msg, extra={"proclet": self})
            if msg.action == Exit.deliver:
                for i in msg.context:
                    self.results[i] = msg


Mission Control has a cardinality constraint. It launched one Vehicle, but it expects two to be recovered. When this is detected, it halts the run by raising an exception:

        if len(self.results) == 2:
            logging.info("Mission complete", extra={"proclet": self})
            raise Termination()


To run the example code, first install proclets:

pip install proclets

Then launch the Mission:

python -m proclets.mission


Mission control|    pro_launch|We are go for launch
  Space vehicle|    pro_launch|Launch phase is complete
  Space vehicle|pro_separation|Separation initiated
Mission control|pro_separation|Copy your separation
 Launch vehicle|   pro_reentry|Re-entering atmosphere
  Space vehicle|     pro_orbit|In orbit 1
Mission control|   pro_reentry|Observing reentry of launch vehicle
  Space vehicle|     pro_orbit|In orbit 2
Mission control|  pro_recovery|Team 501 briefed for recovery of launch vehicle
  Space vehicle|     pro_orbit|In orbit 3
  Recovery Team|  pro_recovery|Commencing search for launch vehicle
  Recovery Team|  pro_recovery|Abandoning search for launch vehicle
  Space vehicle|   pro_reentry|Re-entering atmosphere
  Recovery Team|   pro_standby|Team 501 standing by
Mission control|   pro_reentry|Observing reentry of space vehicle
Mission control|  pro_recovery|Team 501 briefed for recovery of space vehicle
  Recovery Team|  pro_recovery|Commencing search for space vehicle
  Recovery Team|  pro_recovery|Abandoning search for space vehicle
Mission control|  pro_recovery|Team 54e briefed for recovery of space vehicle
  Recovery Team|   pro_standby|Team 501 standing by
  Recovery Team|  pro_recovery|Commencing search for space vehicle
  Recovery Team|  pro_recovery|Abandoning search for space vehicle
Mission control|  pro_recovery|Team 501 briefed for recovery of space vehicle
  Recovery Team|   pro_standby|Team 54e standing by
  Recovery Team|  pro_recovery|Commencing search for space vehicle
  Recovery Team|  pro_recovery|Abandoning search for space vehicle
Mission control|  pro_recovery|Team 54e briefed for recovery of space vehicle
  Recovery Team|   pro_standby|Team 501 standing by
  Recovery Team|  pro_recovery|Commencing search for space vehicle
  Recovery Team|  pro_recovery|Abandoning search for space vehicle
Mission control|  pro_recovery|Team 501 briefed for recovery of space vehicle
  Recovery Team|   pro_standby|Team 54e standing by
  Recovery Team|  pro_recovery|Commencing search for space vehicle
  Recovery Team|  pro_recovery|Abandoning search for space vehicle
Mission control|  pro_recovery|Team 54e briefed for recovery of space vehicle
  Recovery Team|   pro_standby|Team 501 standing by
  Recovery Team|  pro_recovery|Commencing search for space vehicle
  Recovery Team|  pro_recovery|Rendezvous with space vehicle
Mission control|  pro_recovery|Team 501 briefed for recovery of launch vehicle
  Space vehicle|  pro_recovery|Signing off
  Recovery Team|   pro_standby|Team 54e standing by
  Recovery Team|  pro_recovery|Commencing search for launch vehicle
  Recovery Team|  pro_recovery|Rendezvous with launch vehicle
 Launch vehicle|  pro_recovery|Signing off
  Recovery Team|   pro_standby|Team 501 standing by
Mission control|  pro_recovery|Mission complete